Typing Journal Entries: A Convenient Macro

Since many of the references which appear in a paper are citations of articles appearing in various physics journals we have a special macro to handle this problem. The reason one uses a macro to do this is that TEXperts are expected to typeset such references with the journal name in as slanted (
) font, the volume number in boldface (
) font and the remaining text in roman (
) font. You can either remember to do all of this or you can use the command
. The syntax of this command is
journaljournal name&volume number(year)
This command is used inside any one of the reference commands as follows: if you want to obtain the same result as typing
ref{ T.˜ Banks and V.˜ Kaplunovsky
sl Nucl. Phys. ˜
bf B211
rm (1983) 529 }
you need only type
ref{ T.˜ Banks and V.˜ Kaplunovsky
journal Nucl.Phys.& B211 (83) 529 }
This will produce a reference entry of the form 1. T. Banks and V. Kaplunovsky Nucl.Phys. & B211 (83) 529

Note, the blanks before
, before and after the character & and before and after the (year) are optional. If everything is working as it should they will have no effect on the final result. On the other hand, be careful about blanks within the parentheses; if you put them in they will appear. Thus, typing ( 83 ) produces a different result from typing (83). The first will result in the journal year being typed as 19 83 and not 1983 which is, presumably, the desired result.